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Despite our best efforts to represent information about Sky Eden@Bedok as accurately as possible, we can't be held liable for any mistakes, inaccuracies or missing parts. Visual and verbal representations, illustrations, photos, art renderings and other representations and references are intended to show you only artist's impressions of Sky Eden@Bedok and can't be regarded as representations of fact as and other measurements are approximate measurements and are subject to final survey. The development is subject to final inspection by relevant authorities to comply with the current codes of practice. All information, specifications, renderings, visual representations and plans are current only at the time of publication and are subject to change at any time without prior notice as deemed fit by the developer and/or the authorities. All statements are believed to be correct but shall not be regarded as statements or representations of fact. All plans and models are not to scale unless expressly stated and are subject to any amendments which are required or approved by authorities. The Sale and Purchase Agreement shall form the one and only legally binding contract between the developer and the buyer and shall supersede representations or promises made prior verbally or in writing to the signing of the sale and promises made by the developer or its appointed agents, which are not embodied in the Sale and Purchase Agreement. All property investments carry risk including, but not limited to financial, regulatory and legal risks. Investor(s) are advised to conduct their own due diligence checks and research on the investment before buying. This page does not belong to the developer. Page owner: Jochen Siepmann, ERA, Reg.no. R057398E. Developer: Frasers Property, developer licence C1434. Land tenure: 99 years leasehold from 2022. Expected year of vacant possession: 2026, expected year of legal completion: 2029